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5 Wholesome Indoor Fireside Activities

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January is undeniably the month for taking a step back, relaxing and filling your evenings with wholesome activities. Whilst it goes dark far too early, there’s nothing better than snuggling up in front of a crackling fire. But, as January draws on and energy begins to rejuvenate, you may want to make your evenings more exciting. Here are 5 wholesome fireside activities for a little late winter inspiration.

Indoor Fireside Picnic

Whether you’re planning a fireside date night, or quality time with your family, indoor picnics are a charming option. January can be a tight month, so creating a special dinner at home can be a budget alternative to going out for dinner. With minimal effort, but maximum deliciousness in mind, try to pick up your favourite ‘easy bits’ that you can pop in the oven. 

Set up a throw, or a tablecloth on the floor, both for the ‘picnic’ ambiance, and to keep your carpet clean. You don’t need a spillage to cut your date night short.

Family Game Night

You might be over game nights after Christmas, but if not – they’re the perfect fireside activity. Pull out this year’s fresh board games to get a head start on the 2024 festive season game nights. It’s never too early to prepare for winning! Or go back to the trusty 10 year old Monopoly set if you have a full night ahead of you.


Nothing says ‘wholesome fireside activity’ like an evening doing crafts. Try making new things out of recycled delivery boxes, scrapbooking your Christmas cards or preparing your journal for the new year. Let your creativity run free!


Movie Marathon

Watching movies by the fire is an absolute given, but we’re not simply suggesting that you watch a movie. We’re suggesting a movie marathon – Silver Mushroom style. 

The set up is the most important part, aside from the movies perhaps. Comfort and ambiance are key. Light a soothing scent before your movie marathon companions arrive to relax them from the get-go, and create another warm glow. Fill your sofas with extra pillows, throws, and snuggly essentials. Lay your side table with snacks, and prep your mugs ready for hot chocolate. Last but not least, set your ambient lighting. It would be a crime to watch a movie with the ‘big light’ on, but you need enough light to see your snacks!

Practice a New Skill

Going into the new year can bring a desire to start new things, and somehow we’ve gotten wrapped up into thinking they need to be life-changing. Picking up little skills like knitting, or crocheting are pastimes that might make you take some time away from your phone. Knitting and crocheting aren’t just fireside hobbies either, they’re also beneficial for your physical and mental wellbeing. They can calm the mind and evoke a sense of wellbeing, and improve your dexterity and hand-eye coordination.

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